FREE! Post Market Madness Event

Post Market Madness Event! Come and Stitch Your Stash!

Thank you for shopping with us!
We are having a Post Market Madness Event on Saturday March 29th from 12p-5p on Zoom

This event is FREE and is our way of saying THANK YOU for shopping with us!

Join us and Start Stitching Your Stash!

We will also share all of the goodies we bring back from the 2025 Nashville Needlework Market and might
have a surprise or two!

Please RSVP below so we know you will be attending! We will email you the ZOOM log-in information on Friday night 3/28/25, before the event!

Can’t wait to see you there!

Elayne & Terry

Post Market Madness Event

Yippee!  We are so happy you will be joining as for our Post Market Madness Event on March 29th from 12p-5p est.  On Friday night, 3/28/25, we will send out the ZOOM log-in information to the email address on this form.  Be sure to gather all of the floss and fabric you need to Start Stitching Your Stash! See you there!



Thank you so much! My pre-orders arrived fast! See you next year!
Valerie K

I loved seeing all the new designs and the excitement in the group! Can’t wait to fill my cart again this year!
Sue B.

Thank you for giving me one place to go to see everything and place my Nashville Needlework Marketplace order! You guys are the best!
Karen L.

I appreciate all that you do for us and for the discount and combined shipping. Thank you!
Mary K