Tree Farm
- Ornament Stitch Count: 43×67 on 32ct Weeks Dye Works Straw
- Classic Colorworks: Bamboo, Chai, Deep Fennel, Hickory Sticks, Jolly Holly
- Color Key for entire 9-part series: Bamboo (3), Chai, Cocoa Bean, Deep Fennel (2), Ginger Snap, Hickory Sticks (2), Jolly Holly (2), Old Money (2), Petite Maison, Queen Bee, Spinach
- Purchase 1 skein each except where noted in parenthesis to stitch the entire series. 9, 9×9 cuts of 32ct Straw will be enough linen for the series.
- Templates for the shaped finishes are located in the Tutorials section of this website.
- Order a Woolfelt Finishing Kit to finish as pictured on the charts. Kit includes, instructions, 9 hand dyed woolfelt balls & baker’s twine.