Hi there! You’ve heard me talk about how we want to streamline our communications across all of our social media channels. Our once-a-week newsletter is the perfect way for us to reach all of you with the latest arrivals, special sales, coupon codes, free gifts and so much more!
Starting on Sunday 10/6/24, and every Sunday thereafter we will offer NEW SUBSCRIBERS the opportunity to receive a FREE cross stitch chart AND a 25% off first purchase discount code for use in our Etsy Shop. Do you have a friend that isn’t subscribed? Tell them to visit sundaysignups.com
All of us at Anabella’s appreciate your support and your help as we try to bring you the news that matters most!
Elayne, Terry & Team Anabella’s
Watch your mailbox on Sunday evening for your FREE CROSS STITCH CHART and your 25% OFF COUPON CODE
*not valid for existing newsletter subscribers. Some restrictions apply.