
Thank you for your interest in Anabella’s Needleart. We release new cross stitch designs each month which are available through us or through Hoffman Distributing and Yarn Tree. 

Our larger designs are printed on high quality paper and measure 8.5″ x 11″.  Our smaller designs are now 8.5″ x 5.5″ and come in a Reclosable, clear, Polypropylene Bags with a hang-hole. The Floss palette, and stitch counts are visible on the back. (effective May 1, 2024).

Each month beginning in June 2024, we will be offering SHOP EXCLUSIVES.  These shop exclusives will not be sold by Anabella’s for 30 days.

We have a 3 chart minimum per design, and we also offer FREE shipping.

Net 30 is available for approved shops. Please send us your resale tax certificate after you complete the form below. email to [email protected] and please put RESALE TAX CERTIFICATE in the subject line. Thanks so much and feel free to call us any time at 828-246-0399.


Wholesale Inquiry

Thank you for your interest in Anabella's Needleart! We love to work directly with shops and invite you to complete the form below! We will reach back out to you right away!

Let us know if you would like a 30 Days Net Account.(Required)