Waxing Moon Designs HAUNTED HOUSE TRIO Cross Stitch Pattern

Original price was: $9.00.Current price is: $8.10.

Waxing Moon Designs HAUNTED HOUSE TRIO Cross Stitch Pattern

Stitch Count: 61w X 77h Stitches
Design Size: 15 Count (30ct. over 2) 4” W X 5” H

30ct. Beige linen #LF-1106 from Weeks Dye Works

WEEKS DYE WORKS THREADS in: *DMC Alternates are included in the pattern
1091 Whitewash
1108 Honeysuckle
1272 Tatanka
1295 Blackboard
1302 Pelican Grey
1317 Eggplant
2197 Oscar
2199 Tarragon
2204a Paris Green
2205 Grasshopper
2224 Squash
2316 Iris
3900 Kohl (15 yards)
2230a Persimmon

DMC Floss in:
644 M Beige Grey
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